Import client relationships 

Settings - Installation; Contacts - View, Add and Edit Contacts

Rather than manually adding the client relationships you have stored on another system into CCH iFirm, you can import them. The import process uses a .csv file and we provide a template to help you prepare the data to be imported.

  1. Click Settings > Installation.
  2. Click Import Relationships.
  3. Click the blue link to open the template worksheet in Microsoft Excel.

  1. Populate the template with your data.
  2. Manually enter the client relationship details or copy and paste them from another file.
  3. Save the worksheet as a .csv file.
  4. Go back to the Import Relationships page in CCH iFirm.
  5. Click Browse or Choose file (the label on this button changes depending on what browser you use) to locate and select the .csv file containing your client relationships.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Check the import notification on the bottom left-hand side of the page to confirm that your data was imported successfully.
  8. Open a client contact record to view the imported relationship(s) on the Relationships tab.
See Also:

Manage relationships